Transforming Healthcare Accessibility: NHS Northumbria Sensory Processing Website


NHS Northumbria




Parents, carers, and children with sensory processing needs face unique challenges in accessing healthcare resources and information. Navigating the digital landscape can be overwhelming, especially when considering the diverse accessibility needs of this audience.

It was crucial to create a web platform that would not only provide valuable resources but also ensure that users, including caregivers, felt comfortable and supported while using it.


To address these challenges, we embarked on a journey to design the NHS Sensory website. Our goal was clear, to create an engaging and accessible online hub tailored to the needs of 11-18-year-olds with sensory needs, as well as their parents and caregivers.

User-Centric Design: Our journey began with thorough research into the potential accessibility requirements of our users. We understood that the design had to be user-centric, putting their needs and comfort first.

Simple and Concise Layout: From a UX perspective, we crafted a layout and navigation system that was straightforward and concise. The goal was to make it easy for users to find the information and resources they needed quickly.

CMS-Driven WordPress Website: To ensure the sustainability and flexibility of the platform, we developed a CMS-driven WordPress website. This approach allows for easy content management and updates, ensuring that the website remains a valuable resource for years to come.

In creating the NHS Sensory website, we addressed the unique challenges faced by this audience, providing a user-friendly and resource-rich platform that empowers parents, carers, and children with sensory needs to access the support and information they require.

Our solution goes beyond the website itself; it's about making healthcare accessibility a reality for everyone.

NHS Northumbria

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